Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Embedded Linux - Connecting to the device

The device (osk5912) comes with a system based on kernel 2.4
the next step is to connect it using RS232 (null modem cable) to your host machine
to see the device terminal you can use windows or linux

On Windows Host
use hyperterminal : set the connection to the correct COM port with the following settings: 115200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit , no flow control
connect the device to power and push the reset button on it (small white button)

On Linux Host
first setup minicom

# minicom -s

select serial port setup
set the following:
  • Serial device - /dev/ttyS0 (or other number based on your com port)
  • Bps/pas/Bits - 115200 8N1
  • No software flow
  • No hardware flow

save setting and Exit (to minicom)

(the setup step is required only once so next time just run minicom)

push the reset button on the board

You can now play with the system and with some demos provided from MontaVista

We dont want to use kernel 2.4 and also want to build our system with free software so we will not use Montavista distribution

Note: The porpose of this posts is to study embedded linux and thats why we dont use the commercial distribution. there is no real free software, if you use Montavista or other commercial distribution you pay (around 15000$ for developer) but you get full support and much work have been done for you (BSP,device drivers and sample programs). when you use the "free" tools you have to spend time to solve problems and creating the BSP and you know - "time is money"

for help and other learning materials
visit our site: Bina

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